Community Ecology Therapy Urban

EC1 Voices

Since 2007 I’ve been involved with my local community in EC1, mounting opposition to the threatened overdevelopment of the Finsbury Leisure Centre site.

Although three previous mooted developments have failed, as far as we’re aware this had nothing to do with our campaigning. In each case, it was just luck. Over the years, however, the projected developments have got bigger and bigger, with less and less being left available on the ground for the football pitches and in the way of open space.

Over time, I also came to realise that the development affected me less severely than the footballers or my neighbours around the site, who rely on the pitches to be kept as they are for their light and open space. So my objection has shifted to being more about the community’s needs.

I have done a lot already, even in this round, to put my shoulder to the wheel: tallying up bookings on the pitches, establishing the group’s relations to a chartered surveyor expert in rights-to-light, and attending heated meetings with Islington Council elders. However, I thought that a short documentary would really help get the message out there. I’ve come to know and admire my fellow campaigners, a more diverse bunch you could not imagine, and it was a great opportunity to talk to them all on camera.

If, as we suspect, the council does grant themselves planning permission (what a joke, right?) then having a memento of how this magical space once was, and evidence of how hard we fought to keep it, will be worth something.

If you have a moment – please object here. No need to be a local resident.