Food Growing Organic Urban

Brassicas Update

It feels like something of a miracle that plants will grow through the winter. Certainly, because the temperature is lower, progress is slower. But check out these brassicas which I put out at the start of October.

I had to protect the soil with stones because the Black Cat started digging in there. This is definitely not something you could do at scale!

I was very annoyed to see some of them being nommed. I thought it might be snails, but nightly scopes revealed nothing. Then one afternoon I saw a greedy caterpillar curled up in plain sight at the centre of this plant. Not one of these guys, who I tolerated previously on my nasturtiums, but a Cabbage Looper. Grr.

Probably because of the cats, there are no birds who will venture into the roof garden and eat the caterpillars.

Recently I’ve sprayed them with some soap (Dr Forest’s Wetting Agent). I’m not sure if that will do any good. And in fact, think I will double back and spray with neem oil. However, one of the good things about winter is that pest pressure is much lower. All told, the plants are looking well.